As cemetery is to a dead body, so is a comfort zone to a complacent person (by Gabriel-Wealth Olatuja). When you are in your comfort zone, you won't see any other opportunities around you, except the ones you have already. When you are in your comfort Zone, you won't see the potentials and the abilities that you carry inside of you. When you are in your comfort zone, you will not want to go for a better life. you would rather the prefer to live the same life without any improvement for a long time. A comfort zone is very powerful and able to close your eyes from the greater opportunities flooding around you. A comfort zone is is capable of killing all the abilities that you have within you and make you die without an impact in life. You comfort zone may be your job or your home. your comfort zone may be your location or the friends you prefer to be with. A comfort zone may be the battles and the challenges that you choose to or not to fight. Your comfort zone may be the degrees you have acquired or the certifications you obtained.
A comfort zone is synonymous to anything that is able to restrict, limit, calm, brain drain, stagnate a person. A comfort zone is a pleasant bondage that has the tendency of making you do the same thing the same way, without any improvement. comfort zone is ones inability to face or combat challenges that will lead to total breakthrough in a area or all areas of life. The way you think, the ideas that flow though your head, your motivations, your drive all originate from where you find yourself.
To break out of the bondage of comfort zone, you need to take the RISK and crazy decision to live that particular comfort zone that will make you die without impact in life.
So many graduate are in the village and they are complaining that they could not secure a job in the village and there is not business opportunity that they can do to earn a living. However, after several years of joblessness, these folks prefer to stay in the village because they want to continue to enjoy free or cheap food, free housing, life without hustles and challenges. Over time, these folks will become outdated and demoralised because their motivation and opportunities will ever be a demonstration of the environment.
There are several factors that can subject one to a comfort zone, but find out your and break out,.
"For successful people, life is a battle field, but for mediocre and nonentity, life is easy"... Gabriel-Wealth Olatuja Gabriel-Wealth Selfstrong
Make that hard and difficult decision. Face that challenge. Make that move that you think is impossible. You can do it. What you are thinking right now will be a success and a mind blowing achievement. All you need do is to keep moving. Don't stop. Don't relent. Even when your are not seeing the results you desire, be motivated. Life is not meant for the weak but for the strong. Success is a very difficult thing to achieve, but failure is achievable effortlessly. To achieve a great success, never stop.
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