Thursday, 30 May 2019

Biafra Remembrance Day: Read what people are saying


  1. Live in Igbo-ukwu, Anambra: Biafra Compulsory Stay at Home Day is forcefully enforced. IPOB members are forcing people back home Market women and school children are been chased home has been alerted, we await them
  2. Today is 52 years ago, a war started in Nigeria which led to the creation of a famine that killed 2 million civilians. Today we remember these victims.
  3. if want to read about the war, inbox me, i can help you get all the books about the war
  4. Today being , I join others in remembering all those who died in the war, and say “ozoemena” (never again)!
  5. Our heroes shall not be forgotten. The Women and children starved to death during the war shall not be forgotten
  6. On this I join millions of my fellow Igbos in remembering the fallen heroes and the millions of women and children who were starved to death. “On Aburi we Stand”
  7. Oh my Father Land Oh the land of the risen sun A land full of Riches A land blessed by the creator of Mankind my Father Land Envied by neighbours and foreigners Abundantly blessed with fecundity Of Wisdom, Culture, Resources and Prosperity
  8. the east remembers.. "The brave die never, though they sleep in dust, their courage nerves a thousand living men." - Minot J. Savage For the love of Biafra, they accepted death and they shall live forever in our hearts..
  1. : Enugu, Asaba, Anambra Completely Locked Down
  2. Tell your children, that our fathers were given a measly sum of 20pounds, to rebuild their empires from the ground. And they built onitsha and ariara market. Tell tnem!
  3. For all the children who starved, women who were raped, men who bravely stood for what they believe in and and all those who died in the Biafran Genocide, today we remember you because your sacrifices can never be forgotten.
  4. , officially the Republic of Biafra, was a secessionist state in West Africa which existed from 30 May 1967 to January 1970; it was made up of the states in the Eastern Region of Nigeria.
  5. Today I join millions of my fellow Igbos in remembering the fallen heroes and the millions of women and children starved to death. Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory there would be no civilization, no future. Anyị ga-ebili ọzọ.
  6. BIAFRA: 52 YEARS AFTER On 30th of May 1967, Lieut. Col. Emeka Ojukwu, Governor of Eastern Nigeria announced the secession of of Biafra after it became evident that Nigeria could no longer guarantee the safety of all its citizens....
  7. Because I posted Biafra my father lands flag all the zoo following me un followed
  8. Regardless of the stance you have chosen, just know that, 52 Years ago, there was a war that took the lives of our brothers and sisters (Nigerians) and today marks the Anniversary & Remembrance of those victims of the war.
  9. Celebrating resilience. Celebrating the land of the Raising Sun.
  10. Biafra is not a "Project" that can be stopped or hinder from manifesting! It is an identity that have to do with blood! As long as the blood still runs in people's vein, the project will surely manifest....sooner or later!
  11. 9 MOST IMPORTANT INNOVATIONS FROM BIAFRA 1. Ogbunigwe- A series of weapons systems which include command detonation mines, improvised explosive devices & rocket propelled missiles invented by the Biafran Research & Production Group.

Author: verified_user


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