Chief Olusegun Obasanjo,
Obasanjo presidential Library,
Ogun State.
Dear sir,
I’m Kurtis Adigba, a lawyer, political consultant, and a citizen
of Nigeria. I’m an idoma from Benue State. My father; Samuel Ochola Adigba, was
a classroom teacher, and retired as a Headmaster. My father, was some years
ago, the Benue State Secretary of the National Party of Nigeria( NPN). That was
the highest he attained. My mother, was a school teacher who later joined the
civil service, and retired as a Head of Department of Adult Education
Department of Apa Local Government Area, of Benue State. She died in 2015.
I chose to introduce myself to you upfront so you know I have no
pedigree to match yours, and because I know your supporters and attack dogs
will come after me, and raise questions about my pedigree. They will ask: “who
is his father....who is he to dare write a letter to a former Head of State and
President..”. Now you know. And hopefully, they know too!
The only pedigree that I stand on to write you today sir, is my
citizenship of Nigeria, a privilege and right I share and enjoy with you. The
Constitution of Nigeria, confers on us ( you and me and others)the right to
free speech. You have constantly and frequently exercised that right in writing
letters to our fellow citizens who happened by good fortune to be former and
present leaders of the country. Only yesterday, you penned and published a
letter to President Buhari on the state of our nation. I’m writing you this
letter in the exercise of the same right- free speech.
In your open letter to President Buhari, the last in the series,
you raised so many critical issues: Boko Haram, Insecurity, Poor Management of
our diversity, Unity or Disunity, Economy, Poverty, and of course, the violent
death of Mrs Funke Olakunrin, the daughter of Pa Fasoronti, an elder statesman
and leader of Afenifere, in the hands of some yet to be determined people. Some
people have jumped to conclusions and prejudged the investigation into the
despicable act, I have chosen to wait until investigators complete their work
and inform Nigerians about their findings.
Sir, apart from the death of Mrs Funke Olakunrin, which is the
trigger for the letter, there is nothing new in your new letter. Even her
death, is not new in the sense that many Nigerians have been dying on that road
and others, unmentioned. The only reason her death attracted your attention and
that of others, is because she was the daughter of a powerful figure. After her
unfortunate death sir, some Nigerians have died in similar circumstances
unmentioned and unannounced, because they are ordinary citizens. As I write
sir, many are suffering from the same fate.
Let me talk about the specific issues in your letter:
1. Boko Haram. The seed that germinated into Boko Haram, was
planted under your Administration. It grew and became a big tree under your handpicked
successors due to outright denial, mischaracterization, poor management,and
corruption. It was under your government that full Sharia regime was introduced
in Zamfara state. You chose to ignore it because you said it will fizzle out
because of internal contradictions. It did at some point; but before then, it
spread to other states with deadly consequences. One of the groups that emerged
from the Sharia revolution that started in Zamfara, metamorphosed into the
deadly terror group known today as Boko Haram. It is true that under your
administration, Boko Haram, was an unknown group nationally, but it was under
the administration of your handpicked successors, Yar’Adua and Jonathan, that
Boko Haram exploded into the deadly terror group that it is today.
President Yar’Adua tried to deal with Boko Haram, but his poor
health stood on his way. He died and was succeeded by president Goodluck
Jonathan. It was under Jonathan that Boko Haram became the most deadly terror
group in the world. They abducted over 200 girls from Chibok, killed over 100
children in Buni Yadi, carried out regular deadly attacks at Abuja and
different parts of the country. President Jonathan from the onset denied and
disputed the Chibok girls abduction. He said it was an orchestrated smear
campaign against his person and government. It took a global outrage before he
sprang into taking some tepid actions- he set up a panel to determine if the
girls were indeed abducted. Sir, you wrote about the same issue in your epistle
to President Jonathan. It was one of the issues you used to canvass support for
the candidacy of president Buhari in 2015.
In your your previous letter to President Buhari, where you
asked him to dismount from the horse of Nigeria leadership, you gave President
Buhari some credits for dealing with Boko Haram and fighting corruption. You
also called for more efforts in combating Boko Haram and corruption. As you
know, President Buhari on assumption of office took the fight to Boko Haram. He
relocated soldiers to the epicenter of the terror group’s operations. He
recovered territories occupied by them, destroyed their key infrastructures,
and forced them into negotiations leading to the release of some of the
abducted Chibok girls. Many people hitherto unheard of, but in captivity of
Boko Haram, were also set free. The government discovered massive corruption in
the management of funds earmarked for procurement of equipment to prosecute the
war on Boko Haram. The funds are still being recovered.
You mentioned that the government hastily declared victory
against a group that is strengthening, I agree to some extent with you sir. I
agree that the government oversubscribed itself when it declared that it has
defeated Boko Haram. Boko Haram, is not defeated. It has been weakened, but it
is still capable of Carrying out deadly attacks given the time, resources, and
opportunity. We saw them abduct over 100 hundred girls from Dapchi after their
“ defeat”. All but one of the girls, have been released. Leah Sharibu, is still
being held by Boko Haram because she refused to denounce her faith in Jesus
Christ. She is today the highest value target because of the religious factors
made worst by people playing politics with her. God in whom Leah Sharibu trust
as her Saviour and protector, will keep her. She will be freed from her
captors. Amen. The government made a mistake in declaring victory over Boko
Haram because, Boko Haram is fighting an ideological war. Ideology cannot be
defeated, it can only be overcome by superior reasoning.
But on the whole, the current government has done much more to
fight Boko Haram and contain their terrorist activities than any other
government. It can do more, and it will do more.
2. Insecurity in the country. I believe that in the real world,
cause has effect, and actions have consequences. The insecurity of today, is
the consequence of the failures of the past. I’m talking about the huge and
unprecedented corruption in the management of public resources that left us
with poor infrastructures, created inequality with some few very rich and many
so poor, that they cannot afford the basic things of life. I’m talking about
the failure to manage the crisis that arose all over the country sir. When the
agitation for better allocation of resources started in the Niger Delta areas
under your watch, you responded with maximum force. You sent soldiers to invade
Odi under the pretext of looking for the people who killed some soldiers. Many
were killed, women and girls were allegedly raped, and the community destroyed.
The people regrouped and armed themselves better. They started kidnapping
expatriates and local oil workers for ransom. It became a huge business for
some governors who claimed to have paid millions as ransom to free the victims.
Your government did nothing to stop or prevent kidnapping, and it quickly
spread round the country. what about Zaki Biam, where the invasion by the Army
helped to militarized the people with deadly consequences for security in the
Your immediate successor, President Yar’Adua, tried to end the
siege by proposing an Amnesty that was successful to some extent, but
kidnapping has become a business. President Jonathan who succeeded Yar’Adua,
didn’t do much in tackling kidnapping. President Buhari has made modest efforts
in tackling it, but it is not enough because the governors are not playing
complimentary roles. Peter Obi, former governor of Ananmbra state, fought
kidnappers in the state to a standstill. Governor Obiano is doing the same
thing. Lagos State, is also leading in the fight against kidnapping. Kaduna
State has just enacted a law against kidnapping that prescribed death as
punishment for the offense. Edo State too. Majority of the states, are not
doing much sir.
Sir, you mentioned the killing of Mrs Olakunrin in your letter
and described it as one death too many. In the statement you issued before
then, you said her death has diminished Nigeria. I share in your sentiments and
beyond sir. Her death, like the death of any Nigerian in the same or similar
circumstances, is regrettable and diminishes the rest of us and the country in
more than one way. But as painful and regrettable as her death is, it is not
the first in the country. Under your watch as President sir, Chief Bola Ige,
our nation’s Attorney General, was murdered in his home at Ibadan. The home, is
supposed to be the safest place, but Ige was killed. Up and until now, no one
has been brought to justice for his killing. What about Chiefs Harry Marshall
and Sekibo? Funsho Williams and others? Of the people listed here sir, only
Sekibo was murdered on the road. The rest were killed in their homes. No one
has been found guilty for their murders. Do you then have the moral right to
pontificate on insecurity sir?
You may not know this sir, but I want to tell you that bad roads
and darkness, are also accelerators of insecurity and poverty. Bad roads ensure
that motorists cannot move fast,and therefore, become vulnerable to the
murderous activities of criminals. Under your watch as President, Billions of
Naira were budgeted for roads, the roads were never built, but the funds
disappeared. The Lagos-Benin Expressway featured in some many budgets but the
funds were never utilized on the road. President Jonathan did a portion of it,
and President Buhari, is working on some other parts. Your government did
nothing about it. What about power? You claimed to have spent $16B on power,
where is the Fower? Apologies to President Buhari. You generated megawatts of
darkness with the humongous amount of money. And you don’t want us to talk
about it! We can only imagine what that money would have done for the economy
sir. Many of the people terrorizing the country today, may have been profitably
engaged in other activities,and poverty, would have been significantly reduced.
But you failed and betrayed our trust.
3. Corruption. Where do I start here? Is it financial or
political corruption? Do you know know who started corrupting our political
system sir? It is you. Under your watch, we conducted the worst election in
Nigeria. Figures were randomly awarded to parties and candidates. You promised
it was going to be a do or die Affairs and you delivered on your promise. The
major beneficiary of that election, president Yar’Adua agreed with the verdict
that it was indeed a horrible event, but you went round western capitals
praising the same election. Who introduced garrison command politics in
Nigeria? It is you sir. You subjected Governor Rasheed Ladoja to the whims and
caprices of your garrison commander, Adedibu, the late Alafin of Molete. You
supported and facilitated his impeachment by a minority group in the house of
assembly. And when his impeachment was overturned by the Supreme Court, you
dithered in enforcing the judgment until the NBA protested against your
What about the impeachment of Peter Obi In Ananmbra state, and
Dariye of Plateau State? In both cases, less than two-thirds of members of the
Houses of Assembly, carried out the impeachment under your watch. Maybe we
didn’t have a Constitution then sir! Under your watch, Ngige, former governor
of Ananmbra state was abducted by the private of Chris Uba, Eselu of Uga, and
your man Friday. You did nothing sir.
Former Speaker Ghali Na’Abba, displayed bundles and wads of
Naira running into millions of Naira that you bribed law makers with to remove
him. You had no convincing deniability. What about the N50M given to law makers
as bribe to get them to amend the Constitution and grant you life presidency?
You denied it, but your daughter has confirmed it. You were behind it. It is
true that you made efforts to fight corruption by setting up the EFCC, but you
undermined the fight against corruption by your own actions. Let me remind you
about the mismanagement of PTDF funds by you and your new friend, Atiku. The
facts were made public during your roforofo fight. In 1999, when you were freed
from jail, you had barely N100k. Today, you are said to be worth Billions. How
did it happen and what did you do to become so rich? But you keep pontificating
on corruption and pointing at others. Your like a sign post- pointing the
directions, but never going there.
4. Mismanagement of our diversity. You accused the president of
mismanaging our diversity, a claim you said is responsible for the myriad of
our problems today. You said the president has made lopsided appointments in
favor of the North and his people, I don’t have the data, and you also did not
provide any to substantiate your claim. You expressed outrage over the pattern
of certain appointments and election of leaders of the National Assembly in
terms of ethnic and religious balance, but you did the same thing happened
under your government. You also believe like some Nigerians that only equitable
distribution of public offices and positions, will guarantee Unity and imbue a
sense of belonging in all, it is not true. Yes, it a good thing to do, but it
does not promote Unity, and it will not guarantee unity. For a moment, let us
assumed you managed our diversity well, and that you distributed equitably the
opportunities available to you, why was Nigeria not United under you? Why do
you keep talking about equity only with respect to the FG? Where is equity in
the states, including Ogun where you are an influential and consequential
figure sir? I’m not against fair and equitable distribution of opportunities,
but it is no promoter of unity. It will only provide jobs and access to the
few, and in most cases, not on merit, but on connection.
5. Islamization and Fulanization. With fairness to you sir, the
fear of Islamization has always been with some parts of the Nigeria. You played
an active part in creating it. You and your party weaponized it against
President Buhari. You said he is an Islamic fundamentalist seeking power to
Islamize Nigeria. Many Nigerians believed you, and still believe you, even
after 4 years of the man in power. Recently in Delta state, during the Anglican
Synod, you upped the ante by declaring that the president had an agenda to
Islamize and fulanize Nigeria. The of event, time, and audience, was telling.
You tapped into the dangerous mood of the nation arising from the activities of
herdsmen to ratchet up the tensions in the land, by telling Christians that
Muslims and Fulani were coming after them and their lands and religion. You
have created a dangerous and combustible Fulaniphobia in the country. It rings
true to your reputation as a master schemer who can execute good and evil with
equal efficiency.
Because of your actions sir, today, every criminal activity in
Nigeria, is attributed to the Fulani. And I’m not saying that Fulani are not
involved in criminal activities, they are in so many areas and cases, but it is
not true that they are the only criminals in Nigeria. You singled them out to
demonize President Buhari, who is also Fulani by tribe. Before Buhari became
president, the Fulani were involved in different crimes and problems in all
parts of Nigeria. After Buhari, the problems will continue if we don’t find
solutions to them. Under your government, we had Fulani crisis. Same for
Yar’Adua and Jonathan. Jonathan was at some point the grand patron of Miyetti
Allah. Did he fulanize Nigeria? As a leader in this country, much more is
expected from you. Stop encouraging centrifugal tendencies in Nigeria. It is
funny that you are suddenly against the Fulani now. You campaigned so hard for
another Fulani, Atiku to be president. The same Atiku, you accused of
committing the most horrible acts of corruption against Nigeria; the man you
said God will not forgive you if you support him to be president knowing what
you know about him. He is still a Fulani sir.
Finally, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my long
letter. I hope and pray that you find some of my thoughts useful! Nigerians are
looking up to you to join other leaders in preferring solutions to the problems
of the country. They are asking you to look at Gen. Yakubu Gowan, and make him
your role model. My sincere respect and regards to you sir.
God bless Nigeria.
Kurtis Adigba.
Kindly comment here!