Tuesday 14 January 2020

First arrests in Iran reported after fatal Ukrainian plane crash


Several people have been arrested in Iran in connection with last week’s shooting down of a Ukraine International Airlines flight with 176 people on board.
“We conducted intensive investigations and several people were arrested in connection,’’ said Justice Ministry spokesperson, Gholam-Hussein Ismaili, according to the Isna news agency.
He did not say which divisions or organisations employed those arrested.
He added that the case is complicated and has many dimensions that must be investigated before a result can be reached.

Iranian President Hassan Rowhani also demanded a seamless investigation.
“This case is no normal case and has to go before a special court and investigated thoroughly by multiple experts,’’ he said, renewing his calls for a complete probe.
He said the investigation must be conducted transparently and, regardless of the findings, made public, with those responsible for the attack on the plane brought to justice.
“We have to make sure that this kind of tragedy never happens in our country again,’’ he said.

Rowhani also said he could not accept a version of events in which one person “who pushed a button’’ is solely responsible for the accident.
He said multiple agencies would have to share the blame which would be apportioned by the investigation.
He said the point is not simply justice for the dead in the plane, but to guarantee security in Iran in the future.
He said he deeply regretted the incident and had already spoken to the leaders of the countries affected by the attack, promising them a thorough investigation.

The Nationnews


Author: verified_user


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