By Olatuja Gabriel-Wealth
Corona virus has come to make everyone equal. Politicians, presidents, MDs, Political leaders, nations, poor people...
We are all equal. No more shortcuts. The children of the commoners and the rich, all are equal.
No more we are the leader of world economy. No more we are the elites. No more I have assets all over the world. The power, the influence has all gone. Everyone is now hiding.
No more we are the best country in the world. We rule the world, we have the best ammunitions in the world. We have ammunitions that can wipe the world in seconds. Pride has gone. Everyone is humble in isolation
People are running from the rich, same way they are running from the downdogs. First World countries are no more superior to underdeveloped nations.
Everyone is equal! The president, The senator, The representatives, The governors, the political leaders, the commissioners, Heads of MDA's... No one is better than other citizens. No more humiliations of the less previledged. All children are now equal. No more sending children overseas for studies while making other people's children perish in penury of bad education. Now everyone is back in town. No one is willing to travel. They know there's no safety anywhere.
All the private jets are all parked. All the cars are now in the park. This is how it will be when we are in our graves. All the fame, properties, assets, cars, shares, mention it. They will all be inherited by those who didn't know when we laboured for them. So ask yourself! Why trying hard to gain the world and loose your soul?
All greener pastures are now no go areas. Every land is green now. All the madness has gone. Everyone is a suspect. We want social distance now!
Suddenly, they are all donating thousands and millions of dollars as if they ever care. They know life is matter of seconds. They know that the next victim might be the one to infect them.
I ask again! Where were these millions and billions of Naira you are just donating before now?
Why are you doing this now?
You have all the monies, you never helped. You never improve our education system, electricity, our health centers have been in mess, it's now you are donating health facilities because you know you might be the next patient there.
Our roads are bad. You never care. All you do is take flight from one town to another. You take flight even when you want to visit the rest room. You leave the roads in anguish for those who don't have your kind of money, power and fame.
Only corona virus can do this! all the rankadede's have gone. You don't want it. You don't want your praisers to come near you. Instead of empowering the youth, the less previledged around you, you collect all the allocations, keep it to yourselves and give them daily meals, in form of palp and kose(akara), indomie without egg. You were trading with lives. Now that you don't want them to come near you and while they are running from you because you can infect them, how do you want them to survive.
You have become almighty man over the north, south, East and west of the country. You divert public funds for personal use. This is how it will be for you when you are in your casket. No one will want you. No one will want to come close to you or touch you. You will be in isolation. Your friends will be worms, maggots and ants and they will feed on your flesh. Before that time comes, you can still make a u-turn and make positive impact.
You said Nigeria is bad, you can't survive here, you traveled through the deserts, through Libya and European ocean to get to Europe and now Italy is one of the leading corona virus cases. No one is safe there. Let me ask you! Is that place greener than Nigeria now?
The whole world is panicking. Mighty men are panicking, fear everywhere. When this time passes by, I hope you renew your mind and live an impactful life.
Let's all learn and move our nation forward for good.
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