Thursday, 26 March 2020

Nigeria: When Stolen Funds are useless and No Hope for Traveling Abroad for Treatment

Editorial By Anonymous. 

Gradually this plague is exposing the country for our bad Leadership and wicked people in Government

For 50 years, we have been begging our leaders to shun greed, stealing and tribalism but they refused. We begged that the Nation be fixed, but they turned deaf ears. They were focused on their pockets for their children and unborn generations. Now the stolen funds are useless.

Now, They cannot fly out and we cannot as well. Our hospitals and infrastructures are totally and shamefully dilapidated. Pathetic. Worst is that our reserves are empty and fully drained. All of us will suffer for it together.

The moment of truth is here.
After this epidemic, we shall collectively decide how to run this Country.

Perhaps by the time we are through with this scourge and pandemic, nature would have helped us to press the reset button. A lot of big people are around now by force.. There is no London or America to rush to for mere headache.
Some of them will taste death as well. Yes. They will.

It is already happening. Gwagwalada hospital and Yaba hospitals are now premiums, yet lacking in facilities.
Instead of Dubai, London, Germany, America, India and China, the Leaders are here now because US, UK, China and Europe is on lock down.
God truly has a way of fixing Nations!

We must have sense by force.
Koboko from heaven is busy with buttocks. 

Fix education, pay teachers well and equip our institutions. No!
Rather, you send your kids to the best schools in the world.

Fix health sector and pay Doctors and Nurses well, Never!
Rather you fly around to cure mere headache.

Fix security, pay officers well and restructure everything, for where!

Fix infrastructures, no way.
Everybody from beginning to the end kept raping this country and her resources.

We kept politicising everything. What a shame of a country. We must get sense by force. All of them are now in hiding. They are now "importing" their children back into the Country to come and contaminate and infect the innocent and helpless poor Nigerians who didn't, and have never had the luxury to even enter an Aircraft not to talk of travelling Abroad.

The rich is now crying. We shall all pay the prices for neglecting the poor masses. we shall feel the same pain that they have been feeling for  years. Oh yes. Payback time is here.

You inflate contracts and siphon money. You kept pocketing funds that will make Nigeria great. Politics and leadership became the juicy occupation for many. Payback time is here. Your billions will not save you. From top to Senate, to Governors, to House Members, we shall all pay the price painfully.

For 50 years we begged for good life but your greed blindfolded your brains, senses and eyes. You refused to listen to the cries of the masses. Both the big and small and even the downtrodden will suffer and you will get sense by force.

No more kidnapping.
No more ethnic and religious cleansing.
No more armed bandits.
No more herdsmen.
No more BOko Haram.
No more religious biases and tensions.
No more flying to London to buy Ice cream or jetting out to Dubai for a weekend or even to France for hitch hiking.
All of us will now sit here and enjoy the scourge of Corona virus. Oh yes!!!!
We are now at peace with each other, abi? That thunder that has been doing press up has finally landed!!!

So far, there is no vaccine and no cure. Yet this one will brush us up and throw us into the gutters. We have been praying for Nigeria in Distress both in churches and mosques. Now God has answered the prayers in His own ways. That koboko has become real.

By the time we are done Nigeria will become the dreamland that we have always wanted to the glory of God.

If our Government was serious and with good Leadership and this pandemic wouldn't have gotten into Nigeria in the first place.
At least,  we had prior Notice and wasn't  taken unawares.

Some top Government Officials are now self isolating.
How many Ventilators are in Nigeria?
How many Hospitals are equipped?
How many Isolation Centers do we have?
How prepared are we for this Pandemic?

Let everyone in the helm of affairs rise to this responsibility and bring absolute transformation to all sectors, systems and processes.


Author: verified_user


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