Saturday, 11 April 2020

Bill Gates Covid19 Vaccine and its Relationship with the New World Order - By Olatuja Gabriel-Wealth


Just few days here, they were antagonising Pastor Chris that he was driving conspiracy theory about 5G, Covid19 and New World order. 

See for yourself. So when one Bill Gates will ensure the whole world takes Covid19 vaccine and get certified and without the certificate, you would not be able to do anything in the world, is that not the beginning of Antichrist? 

Most pastors don't know they bible. They don't know the world of God.

I don't have anything to say about Pastors, who are motivational speakers who want people to do well in their businesses, those Pastors who are entrepreneurs willing to be a part of trending industries and innovations even at the expense of their faiths. Jesus Christ's persecution was divine. But Judas was destroyed for yielding himself as an instrument to Satan to cause the persecution faster. Beware! What shall it profit you when you have the best business in the world and lose your soul? 

Lazy professors and the so called learned they can't research to know the right and wrong information before they start blabbing.  

Politicians are only doing what they think will benefit them as a proof of achievement in their political tenures in office. They have no insight or idea about long term effects of the decisions taken now. 

It's written in Daniel, Revelation that this will happen. We cannot stop it. But what we are saying is that it's not yet time. If someone as begun to control the world world and presidents of nations now, imagine if Jesus Christ doesn't come as son as we think, the whole world will suffer for too long. 

It will be very easy for one person to come and make a decision at the detriment of the whole world and religions.

I don't blame the unbelievers because they don't know the word of God. But what can we say about those who call themselves pastors that are too lazy to study the Bible and connect it with what is happening in our time? Anyways, it was the people who are called pastors in our time that persecuted Jesus. Some will still be instrumental to the manifestation of Antichrist. 

What is Antichrist? 

Antichrist may not be a person that will sit down in a throne or a position of authority to be roaring like the Satan in Bollywood movies and be controlling the world with his power. 

Antichrist means, "again Christ", "against the gospel of Christ". 

Antichrist may be a person, people, government, or group of government that takes decisions to stop the gospel of the lord Jesus Christ. 

An Antichrist may be in a home, church, government, industry etc. 

Anyone that takes any decision or in support of any decision that make it easy for the gospel of the lord Jesus to be stopped is Antichrist too. You may be a pastor, it doesn't matter. 

This will interest you. We are talking of Antichrist, people in other religions don't understand the implications. Imagine there's any decision to control the whole world, and one day, they say no mosques, no church or any place of worship whatsoever. It's will affect all the religions, not only Christianity. That is why we should all rise up and stand against any evil agenda. Some of them might be good, in fact very good in a short run. But in the long run, when people come and pass away successively, things will begin to change and before it gets to be touch. 

In this video, Bill Gates even said the Covid19 vaccine was discovered in 2013. Yes! Bill Gates is a technology innovator, in support of driving 5G. 

See this video:

Video: Bill Gates Discovers #Covid19 Vaccine. Could This be the Beginning the New World Order? See what Bill Gates says about how the vaccine will be administered globally 


Author: verified_user


  1. Fuck the gates Foundation they all need to be burn in hell

  2. You cannot play god and think you can get away with it you will be held accountable for your evil works and punishment will be upon you in the coming days


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