Saturday, 28 November 2020

See the Official Result Of Pennsylvania that was Deleted from Department of State Dashboard


Senator Doug Mastriano has released the official votes of Pennsylvania.

He released the result via his verified Twitter handle on Friday. He also alleged that the result was posted on the Department of State dashboard but had since been deleted.

See tweet here:


See what people are saying:

Sen M. After Election Day I was saying that maybe I’m a nerd about elections but each year I’m watching TV& laptop to get updates and this year PA removed its time stamp update on the state’s official website. I found that odd and more importantly transparency is questioned. - Jon O’Brien 

I speak on behalf of all Americans when I say. the vp and cabinet needs to step in and invoke section 4 25th amendment. and remove trump enough is enough. this has gone on to far. trump is a threat to national security. - dennis daley

1,823,148 Absentee ballots were requested for the 2020 PRIMARY, NOT the General election. Look up OpenData, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  FACTS.  They appear to be using data from THE WRONG ELECTION! 3 million were requested for the General Election. Katebefree1996


Author: verified_user

Olatuja Gabriel is a volunteer of International Human Rights Commission, (IHRC) Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to West Africa. He is an author, Radio/TV broadcaster and journalist and publisher. He's a chemical, Process and Safety Engineer. He has over a decade experience in Manufacturing Industry, Chemical Engineering and Renewable Energy. Gabriel is an Information Technology investor. He's founder of Virtual Doctors Limited that makes healthcare available to all via digital technology. He is a Chartered Customer Relationship Manager and a Business and Marketing Strategist. He is a pastor at Opulent Christian Assembly Inc., Nigeria. He also serves as a musician at Loveworld (Christ Embassy). He enjoys Playing Saxophone and Singing for God.


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