Thursday, 8 September 2022

Prayers Video: Prayers against Bad Dreams or Nightmares by Olatuja Gabriel-Wealth Outreach


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Dreaming is a good gift from God, especially when they are filled with hope, guidance through difficult situations. It may be a realm through which God communicate and reveal secrets to us.

However, having a bad dream or nightmare, especially when it comes repeatedly may become worrisome, and absolutely confusing. Bad dreams that become battleground of terror or where one has weird experiences are not usually palatable.

Bad Dreams or Nightmares may be caused by so many reasons that would be explained in here. I will also release prayer points to overcome nightmare and its effects.

1. Revelation: God may reveal the battles he’s fighting for you, conquered battles in the dream. Hence, you don’t have to fret when you have a bad dream. Do not fear. When you start panicking because of the bad dream, it means you believe it will happen and that may lead to the evil manifestation. Do not give fear a room

2. Anxiety or fear: If there’s anything that bothers your mind, you may have bad dream when you go to sleep.  Try as much as possible to ease off your mind of any fear or anything that disturbs your mind, including undelivered tasks.

3. Demonic Attacks: The devil may try to taunt us through with nightmares with the intention to distract or derail us from God’s divine plans for us by showing us unbearable, horrifying dreams.

Jesus gave a parable in Matthew 13:25 “But while everyone was asleep, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.”

The enemy may try to sow evil seed into one’s life while sleeping. This is why we must not be slumbering in the spirit.

What to do after having a bad dream.

If you do have nightmare, do not fret. All you need to do is to grow more in faith and spiritually. You need to study and meditate on the word of God constantly. Also you need to pray from time to time. Pray using the word of God and not prayers of fear. Pray these prayers from time to time. You have overcome, because greater is he that’s in you than he that’s in the world.

Also, do take holy communions in your church and also take holy communion on your own to reaffirm to the devil that you are a joint heir with Christ.


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